Redecam’s Power division participated in two major conferences in September: the European Biomass to Power Conference in Berlin, Germany and the ExPPERTS Europe 2015 conference in Krakow, Poland.

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The European Biomass to Power Conference, held September 16th and 17th, gave updates on the European biomass market and focused on sustainability and commodity challenges. “The conference offered us numerous opportunities to raise awareness about Redecam’s growing expertise within the biomass to power industry,” explained Gino Carucci, Head of Sales for Redecam’s Power division. “Redecam has been developing complete and tailored air filtration and flue gas treatment solutions for biomass plants firing a wide variety of fuel-types. We’re becoming a bigger player in the biomass air pollution control (APC) industry and were able to find sound business opportunity leads at this conference,” adds Carucci.

The ExPPERTS Europe 2015 conference was held on September 23rd and 24th in Krakow on the heels of a report from the country’s Supreme Chamber of Control highlighting that the air in Poland is one of the most polluted in Europe and warning that Poland has not met European Union air quality standards for years. “It gave us a chance to show-off our plant retrofit and upgrade expertise to peers from Poland and neighbouring countries,” said Carucci. “Polish plants are increasingly looking at APC solutions since Polish Environment Minister Maciej Grabowski announced that protecting and improving air quality will be one of his main priorities this year.”

The ExPPERTS conference brings together power operators, suppliers, regulators, researchers, among other industry professionals to discuss and source solutions to some of the biggest challenges in reducing emissions from conventional power plants.

Photos: Redecam Power Division’s Gino Carucci and others at the ExPPERTS Europe and European Biomass to Power conferences.